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Sporella Technologies is a web design firm based in Highland, Ny. We are passionate about helping businesses of all sizes succeed online, and we are dedicated to delivering high-quality website design and development services at affordable prices. We recognize that price is very important, which is why we work very hard to keep our prices extremely competitive so you can keep more money in your pocket. Our team of experienced designers and developers is committed to creating websites that are not only visually appealing, but also designed to drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions. We use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure that our websites are user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and optimized for search engines. We are proud to serve businesses in Hudson Valley and all over the country, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you and help your business thrive online. Thank you for considering Sporella Technologies for your website design needs. [read more]
View ProfileBDivine Travel is known for curating exceptional custom journeys. What started as a small business, is quickly growing into a leading Travel Agency that has planned and executed countless successful vacations. Whether you’re dreaming of a tropical honeymoon, a nature-inspired family trip or a short weekend getaway, we’re here to handle all the details and send you on an unforgettable, hassle-free trip. [read more]
View ProfileWith Dumpstars you will pay an affordable rental fee and be charged ONLY for your ACTUAL DISPOSAL COST. Rather than paying for weight you do not have or being overcharged for item disposals, at Dumpstars you will receive your ACTUAL DISPOSAL RECEIPT along with your invoice. We will never charge you more than it costs us to get rid of your debris and, unlike standard practice, we never pad the fees to dispose of additional fee items (mattresses, A/C, tires, etc). THIS UNIQUE TRANSPARENT BILLING allows you the opportunity to see how you saved money by choosing Dumpstars. Our honest pricing is a testament to our integrity. At Dumpstars we are committed to providing our customers with affordable, professional and prompt service. We are always available to offer advice & guidance to meet your specific needs. From drop off to pick up we strive to offer you the best service at the best prices. [read more]
View ProfileWelcome to Meadow Blues, where the love for coffee, drinks, and music intertwine, creating a haven for soulful experiences and heartfelt connections. Inspired by Gina's daughter and their shared passion for both coffee and melodic rhythms, Meadow Blues has evolved into a place that's not just a café, but a personal sanctuary for all who enter. Music transcends boundaries and brings people together. We host a diverse range of live shows, from blues, jazz, R&B, funk, country, reggae, and more. Local talent can also showcase their skills at our open mic nights. [read more]
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